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http://www.gelunjiaoyu.com 2014-09-19 02:47 来源:格伦留学网

总结:代词指代,就近指代 or按逻辑意思指代?




1. 代词指代按逻辑意思指代,而非就近指代。



24. Several years ago the diet industry introduced a variety of appetite suppressants, but some of these drugs caused stomach disorders severe enough to have them banned by the Food and Drug Administration.

(A) stomach disorders severe enough to have them

(B) stomach disorders that were severe enough so they were

(C) stomach disorders of such severity so as to be

(D) such severe stomach disorders that they were

(E) such severe stomach disorders as to be

The answer is D.


but some of these drugs caused such severe stomach disorders that they were banned by the Food and Drug Administration.

“they ” 按逻辑意思指代drugs,而非就近指代。


21. The filibuster, a parliamentary device that slows the snail’s pace that prevails even in the best of times in congressionalsessions and tests the endurance of everyone associated with it, seems more and more an anachronism in the age of telecommunications.

(A) sessions and tests the endurance of everyone associated with it, seems

(B) sessions and tests the endurance of everyone who is associated with it, seeming to be

(C) sessions, tests the endurance of everyone associated with it, seems

(D) sessions, that tests the endurance of everyone associated with it and seems

(E) sessions, testing the endurance of everyone associated with it and seeming

The answer is A.


a parliamentary device that slows( the snail’s pace that prevails even in the best of times in congressional sessions) and tests ( the endurance of everyone associated with it)

即a parliamentary device that slows …and tests…

it按逻辑意思指代 a parliamentary device , 而非就近指代。




20. In December of 1987 an automobile manufacturer pleaded no contest to criminal charges of odometer tampering and agreed to pay more than $16 million in civil damages for cars that were test-driven with their odometers disconnected.

(A) cars that were test-driven with their odometers disconnected

(B) cars that it had test-driven with their disconnected odometers

(C) its cars having been test-driven with disconnected odometers

(D) having test-driven cars with their odometers disconnected

(E) having cars that were test-driven with disconnected odometers

The answer is D.

Sb. pay sth. for having test-driven cars with their odometers disconnected.

其中with their odometers disconnected 作定语,修饰cars;

their 按逻辑意思指代cars.

虽然满足就近指代, 但根本还是按逻辑意思来指代。


230. In an effort to reduce their inventories, Italian vintners have cut prices; their wines have been priced to sell, and they are.

(A) have been priced to sell, and they are

(B) are priced to sell, and they have

(C) are priced to sell, and they do

(D) are being priced to sell, and have

(E) had been priced to sell, and they have

The answer is C.

其中their wines are priced to sell, and they do.

“they” 按逻辑意思指代wines.

虽然满足就近指代, 但根本还是按逻辑意思来指代。

注意:这里同一句中的their, they 并没有指代同一名词.

their指代前面的Vintners, 而they 指代wines.




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