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http://www.gelunjiaoyu.com 2014-09-17 11:46 来源:格伦留学网


Passage 4

A person who is drawing up a will has exactly five potential heirs-S, T, U, V, and W. The estate will distribute exactly seven lots of land, which are numbered 1 through 7. All seven lots will be distributed, subject to the following restrictions:

No lot is to be shared, and no heir can inherit more than three lots.

Whoever inherits lot 2 cannot inherit any other lot.

No heir can inherit both lot 3 and lot 4.en.Examw.CoM

If S inherits one or more lots, then U cannot inherit any.

If S inherits lot 2, then T must inherit lot 4.

W must inherit lot 6 but cannot inherit lot 3.

1. If S inherits lot 2 ,who must inherit lot 3?

(A) S (B) T (C) U (D) V (E) W

2. If S inherits lot 2 and three heirs inherit two lots each, no one can inherit both lots

(A) 1 and 3 (B) 1 and 6 (C) 1 and 7

(D) 4 and 5 (E) 6 and 7

3. If U and V inherit no lots, which of the following must inherit three lots?

(A) S only (B) T only (C) W only

(D) Both S and T (E) Both S and W


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