申请美国研究生 开启梦想之旅


http://www.gelunjiaoyu.com 2014-03-31 04:57 来源:格伦教育综合整理

1. Use vocab lists for quick studying!

I know some people are naysayers about vocab lists and would rather you read straight off classic books to get your vocab, but I say that is inefficient, and if you have only a month or even only a year left and you want to get a near perfect CR, it just wont happen. Study those lists, and no matter when you start studying, LEAVE TIME TO STUDY RIGHT BEFORE THE TEST, whether it be a week or a month. Most people remember things better when you try to memorize them at a closer date.

2. Your “SAT techniques” will come in handy.

Most experienced SAT takers know the whole positive-negative words, prefix/suffix techniques that are cited like a billion times in prep books. Read about them, but don’t rely on them.

Now I will compile a list of the most commonly used (and possibly the best) vocab lists.

Direct Hits Vocabulary

Barron's Hot Words


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