申请美国研究生 开启梦想之旅


http://www.gelunjiaoyu.com 2014-01-07 05:44 来源:格伦教育综合整理


托福口语真题特训 文化类:

1. Should government give financial support to build museums and theaters? State your opinion and explain why. (05. 12.17; 07. 9.29; 08.2.16考题)

Sample answer:

In my point of view, government should provide fund to build museums and theaters because they serve as exhibition centers for people to know about the history and culture of the country.

The range of museums is fantastic—there are museums of ancient history and archaeology(考古学), of natural history and even museums for such things as transport and crime! And because the museums are constantly holding new exhibitions, there is always something different to see.

Theaters offer people a big place to enjoy a variety of operas and plays of different regions. Even the world's best group come occasionally. Meanwhile, the building of the museums and theaters will enhance the cultural exchange between countries.

They are also one of the contributing factors that promote the national economy.

That's why I think it's a good idea for government to help with the building of museums and theaters.


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