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托福口语实例:the sport

http://www.gelunjiaoyu.com 2014-01-26 03:20 来源:格伦教育综合整理

托福口语范例:the sport。托福口语难倒很多中国考生,如何能够取得托福口语高分呢?多练多说是当然是托福口语备考必经之路了。一定的托福口语技巧也是不可或缺的。下面和格伦小编一起看看今天的托福口语范例:

托福口语范例:the sport

The sport: golf

The reasons you chose the sports:

- good exercise

- have fun and relax

- play to win

I recently took up golf because I though it might be a sport that would be fun and useful. So far, I have discovered that golf requires a lot of time and a lot of walking. This, however, adds to the fun and relaxation of a round of golf. Golf has also taught me to concentrate and to take many factors into account, such as wind and slope. Although I like to play to win,even if I don’t beat my partner, I know I have played well if I have improved my own score. I think by choosing golf I have found a good way to do business in the future as well as have fun learning it now

以上就是关于托福写作范文:the sport的讲解,希望对同学们的托福考试有所帮助。考生在托福考试备考的时候一定要事先了解一下类似的问题,这样能够给大家的托福考试带来不小的帮助。大家一定要早准备!通过积累,一定会有所收获!计划参加托福考试的同学,一定要密切留意toefl报名时间。提前为toefl报名做好准备。更多托福资讯,尽在格伦留学托福频道。


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