申请美国研究生 开启梦想之旅


http://www.gelunjiaoyu.com 2014-09-18 04:21 来源:格伦留学网

一、 怎样提出问题

1. I was wondering if you could help me. I'd like to know…

2. I wonder if you could tell me…

3. This may sound like a dumb question, but I'd like to know…

4. Excuse me, do you know…

5. I hope you don't mind my asking, but I'd like to know…

6. Would you mind (very much) telling me…

7. Excuse me, but could I ask you a quick question?

8. Do you happen to know … (你是否碰巧知道…)

二、 回答技巧:怎样拖延

1. Well, let me see…

2. Oh, let me think for a minute…

3. I'm not sure; I'll have to check…

4. That's a very interesting question。

三、 回答技巧:怎样拒绝

1. I'm not really sure。

2. I can't answer that one。

3. I'm sorry, I really don't know。

4. I've got no idea。

5. I'd like to help you, but…

6. That's something I'd rather not talk about just now。

7. Ask me another question. (别问我这个。)

四、 怎样获得更多的信息

1. Could you tell me some more about …

2. Would you mind telling me more about …

3. I'd like to know more about…

4. Something else I was wondering about was …

5. Something else I'd like to know is …

6. Sorry, that's not really what I mean, What I'd like to know is…

7. Sorry to keep after you, but could you tell me…

8. Sorry, I don't quite understand why…


A: Are you still doing your photography? (你还在搞摄影吗?)You're really good at that。

B: Yeah, that's the one thing I really enjoy。

A: This may sound like a dumb question, but can you get any good pictures on an automatic〖自动相机〗?

B: No, no〖别这么说〗. Now, that's a very interesting question. Automatics are OK, except special effect。

A: There's something else I was wondering about - like, should you do all your developing〖自己冲印〗?

B: Oh, no! You don't have to develop your own. You can get better prints if you send them out。

A: Could you tell me something more about it - like, if I was going to do the developing myself, what kind of equipment would I need?

B: Oh, well, you'd need your enlarger〖放大机〗, and chemicals〖化学药品〗, and so on。


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