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http://www.gelunjiaoyu.com 2014-01-22 02:06 来源:格伦教育综合整理


这两个部分再加上主体段所需的topic sentence等部分,即可构成一个完整的主体段。如下:

In the business world, the key to Bill Gates’achievements is not reasonably judged, as the result of too much information of his dropping out of university. Though undeniably Bill Gates’ boldness played a significant part in the birth of Microsoft, to make the best use of the motivational elements in him, the media portrayed the image of a bad boy who disrespected all sorts of rules and dared to challenge the world without considering the consequences. Later in a relatively long period of time, it was constantly reported that another young man quited school and started his own business, dreaming of becoming another Bill Gates. Undoubtedly most of them have failed, and their family inevitably have to deal with ridiculous conflicts and economic losses. And the reason, obviously, was that they were distracted form observing the solid professional knowledge Gates had gained before leaving Harvard and the support of his wealthy family behind him.

从以上的分析和讲解中,同学们应该也能够看出来,要把作文写好绝对不只是把几个背好的例子套到题目里那么简单。要想做到对所有题目都处变不惊,除了培养过硬的语言能力之外,更重要的是提高自己的critical thinking能力。一个真正能写好SAT作文的人,一定是善于观察,勇于思考,喜欢对事情刨根问底的人。这也是我们在学习写作的过程中需要养成的习惯和能力。



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