申请美国研究生 开启梦想之旅


http://www.gelunjiaoyu.com 2013-12-18 10:09 来源:格伦教育综合整理

P21 Task 1 Describe on positive experience and the result

Task 2 do you think learning events take place in the past or present is more important

P22 Task 1 Where do you prefer to go shopping?

P23 Task 1 什么东西进步是你觉得你国家在过去20年里最重要的。

Task 2,4已考

P24 Task 1 Your friend wants to drive away the fear when speak in front of groups of people, what suggestion you would give her?

Task 2 Do you prefer to have fast food in the fast-food restaurant?

P25 Task 1 Describe a news or a story that you are interssted in recently. And explain why you think it was interesting. Include reasons and details in your response

Task 2 Some students prefer to take a essay question where they must write an essay to a question. Other students prefer to take a test with objective questions. Which type of exam question do you pefer?

P26 Task 1我们现在社会面临着很严重的环境问题,选取一个你认为有用的方法来save our planet。

Task 2 你是愿意carefully choose the gift which your friends like or choose whatever you like?比如说money。

P27 Task 1 内容:Why do you think it is hard for university student to manager time。

Task 2 内容:Some people think in the future students will have classes on the internet in stand of in building, but some thinks students will still have class in building. What do you think?

P28 Task 1 Describe your favorite movie star or singer.类似= = Task 2已考

P29 Task 1 describe a toy and a game special in childhood? 反正就乱答了 Task 2 would u like to study with teachers who have more experiences or just begin to teach. 就是问新老师好,还是经验多的好。当然选第二个容易点说。

P30 Task 1 出国读大学的好处. Task 2已考


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