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http://www.gelunjiaoyu.com 2013-11-06 01:51 来源:格伦教育综合整理


issue:In any field—business, politics, education, government—those in power should step down after five years.

Argument: [size=1.05em]The following appeared in an editorial in a business magazine.

[size=1.05em]"Although the sales of Whirlwind video games have declined over the past two years, a recent survey of video-game players suggests that this sales trend is about to be reversed. The survey asked video-game players what features they thought were most important in a video game. According to the survey, players prefer games that provide lifelike graphics, which require the most up-to-date computers. Whirlwind has just introduced several such games with an extensive advertising campaign directed at people ten to twenty-five years old, the age-group most likely to play video games. It follows, then, that the sales of Whirlwind video games are likely to increase dramatically in the next few months."


记得一丢丢单词:construe perplexing sparling(maybe) adulation venalty tactful commonplace compassion 啊啊啊真心不记得了sorry


出现了好几篇短阅读是讲literature的 各种作家各种critique..具体不记得了

还有一个短文章说温室里的二氧化碳增加会导致温度增加然后葡萄就会增产 然后说因为全球范围内现在二氧化碳都在增加所以在未来葡萄一定会大量增产 问你哪一项是与evaluate这个Argument最relevant的 选项有什么whether economic benefit outweigh environmental harm 还有在未来葡萄是不是还会有那么多的消费人群之类的

有一篇是外星球上形成生命 microbe啥的 然后星球上覆盖着ice crust 底下因为星球自传还有摩擦什么的产生热量就有水 然后问你what's necessary for life to develop on that planet 反正不难 印象文章一开头就有答案 还有一个问近义词 好像是interpretate 记得我在translate那犹豫了好久。。。

嗯。。。还有village community literature 说man 和woman 的approach很不一样 然后让你在文中找证据 还有一个近义词题不记得了。。反正不难

数学基本上就prep ii 难度 然后我觉得我的图表题字有点多啊!而且都是废话。

模考数学挺准的 v部分比prep test1难一些比2简单的不是一般的很多!所以大家test 2分不高真的不用太care啊。

然后就是机经要好好看 我只看了高频阅读还有回忆题里的单词 感觉遇到了不少。

下个月准备二战刷一下v 要好好背单词啦。


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